Friday, September 2, 2011

Levi's Security

           When Levi was about 6 months old he started having trouble staying asleep when placed in his crib. I done a lot of reading about how to 'sleep train' an infant. I remember reading something that said holding a baby (rocking or feeding) until he fell asleep and placing him in a bed was like going to sleep with a pillow and waking up with it gone. Hmm. I really wouldn't like that. So I picked out my favorite blanket and started holding it close to him and placing it with him in bed. He was NOT impressed and it never caught on. I gave up on the idea and eventually he started sleeping in his crib all by himself for the night.

              One day we were at Grandma's and as we were leaving Uncle Jamie gave the boys a stuffed toy doll "Woody." We brought him home and he was thrown in the floor along with the rest of the toys. One night we were putting Levi to bed and Elijah picked up "Woody" and placed him in the crib and said "Here Weebye."

   And that is how Levi came about his security object. Several mornings we would find Levi awake talking/playing with his little friend. Soon he started reaching back for Woody when we got him up from his sleep/nap. He "grabs his little Woody" and takes off. (That is another story of how Levi embarrassed Mommy before he could even talk)


        Since Woody seems to bring Levi comfort we decided to bring him along for his Well Child Checkup and shots yesterday. I really wish I had a camera. Big brother gave Woody to Levi as soon as he was dressed after the shots and he calmed right down. In the car he hugged Woody tight and drank his sippy cup til he fell asleep.