Monday, July 25, 2016

Sarah is 3!

Let your Smile Change the World,
little one!
Sarah Elizabeth has brought so much joy to our lives for the past three years. She is 36 inches and 29 pounds. Sassy and whiney. Smart and funny! She loves to watch Peppa Pig and Mickey Mouse. She continues to adore her brothers, "Iga" and "dong dong" which is starting to sound like Donald. She can count to ten on occasion but almost always to 6. She knows her colors, red, orange, purple, pink, green, blue, white and black. She loves books, puzzles, rainboots, and playing "you count, me hide." It's absolutely adorable to hear her yell "neadynot herecome." She loves to sing songs as she makes up words. She loves her fruits and vegetables although she is beginning to become picky like her brothers. Watermelon is her all time favorite right now, or as she says "Wemonaides." She is beginning to pick up a lot of the bad habits of her brothers, like arguing and fighting. She also has perfected the whiney voice but gets so mad when I tell her I cannot understand. She yells, "me not whining me talking, RIGHT?" And it's too cute not to love.
She is becoming so independent and is so proud of herself. She truly is always happy, earning herself the nickname "Smiley" from other parents.
Elijah's favorite things about Sarah:
1. The way she lines up her dolls to play with them, as they watch TV or take naps.
2. The way she says "mailboxsh" every time she sees one.
Levi's favorite things about Sarah:
Cute and Cuddly!

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Some pictures of our Christmas Elf 2015

Zachary made the kids into an elf

And gave them cute elf names

I think the kids really loved it!

Elijah left some questions for the elf

Hillview Stables; Pumpkin Patch 2015

Wish Floweres

Random book/reading posts from my INSTAGRAM

How cool is this bookmark I made

Some books we read

The Children's Reading Foundation books we've collected

Elijah's book diorama

Levi loved reading 'The Book With No Pictures' by himself

Because Momma's a dork, books with Characters

Reading in bed after a bath! Levi read by himself

These are Sarah's "four books" she can however read these
books by the pictures. It is so much fun watching her

She took fascination to this book "The Help" She
carried it around for days "reading" it.

Levi reading to Sarah

Christmas Play 2015, Lone Jack

Elijah, 3rd Grade

Levi, Kindergarten
When Mrs. Ferguson gave Kindergarten her gifts
It's Santa!

When Santa read to Kindergarten

Van Meet Turkey, Turkey Meet Van!

I clocked out after work and was headed home down the bypass
when not 5 minutes from work I saw a beautiful turkey in the
field on the opposite side of the road. Thinking surely
it will not walk out in front of this truck I think I slowed
down a bit with curiosity. Sure enough it continued
walking out in front of that truck and at the last second
it flew but unfortunately there was another vehicle
in the oncoming lane, ME! I thought it would fly right above
me and I think I also thought it would just bounce
off, I guess it did but not without some damage.

It was an absolute gorgeous turkey. When I called Dale he asked
if it had a beard. Oh, and the phone call. Elijah answered and
when I told him that Mommy hit a turkey and couldn't drive he
just bee bopped off and yelled it to Daddy like it was an everyday

Elijah 9 years old. Summer 2016

  1. What color is your hair?                               Brown
  2. What color are your eyes?                            Brown
  3. What is your favorite food?                          Pizza
  4. What song do you like to sing?                    ???
  5. What is your favorite snack?                        fruit rollups
  6. What is your favorite color?                         Green
  7. What is your favorite animal??                     Rabbit
  8. What is your favorite toy?                             LEGO
  9. WHat do you like to do with Daddy?           Fish
  10. What do you like to do with Mommy?         shopping
  11. What is your favorite movie?                        Star Wars Empire Strikes Back
  12. What is your favorite TV shows                   YouTube Blitzwinger
  13. What is your favorite store?                          Walmart
  14. What do oyu like to play inside?                   Video games
  15. What do you like to play outside?                 baseball
  16. What is your favorite book?                          Star Wars Character Encyclopedia

Levi 6 years old. Summer 2015

  1. What color is your hair?                                        blonde
  2. What color are your eyes?                                     uh blue
  3. What is your favorite food?                                   steak
  4. What song do you like to sing?                             Wrecking ball
  5. What is your favorite snack?                                 Scooby do snacks
  6. What is your favorite color?                                  Blue
  7. What is your favorite animal??                             Baby (our dog)
  8. What is your favorite toy?                                     LEGO
  9. WHat do you like to do with Daddy?                    Play and go fishing
  10. What do you like to do with Mommy?                 Take Pictures
  11. What is your favorite movie?                                Captain America Civil War
  12. What is your favorite TV shows                           iCarly
  13. What is your favorite store?                                 Pic Pac
  14. What do oyu like to play inside?                          Basketball
  15. What do you like to play outside?                        Baseball
  16. What is your favorite book?                                 A good dinosaur "a boy named spot" (2 in 1 book)

Sarah almost 3. Summer 2015

  1. What color is your hair?                                           "Red"
  2. What color are your eyes?                                         "blue"
  3. What is your favorite food?                                       "Something red. Strawberries"
  4. What song do you like to sing?                                 Let it go up high in the world
  5. What is your favorite snack?                                       gummies
  6. What is your favorite color?                                      "pink and purple"
  7. What is your favorite animal??                                   "pink pig"
  8. What is your favorite toy?                                         Peppa Pig
  9. WHat do you like to do with Daddy?                        "play in wibing woom" (living)
  10. What do you like to do with Mommy?                      Read books
  11. What is your favorite movie?                                     Garfield (the cat movie)
  12. What is your favorite TV shows                                Peppa Pig and the Rabbids invasion
  13. What is your favorite store?                                    
  14. What do oyu like to play inside?                                baby dolls
  15. What do you like to play outside?                              swing and slide
  16. What is your favorite book?                                       Eric Carle From Head to Toe

Levi's Kindergarten Field Trip: Knoxville Zoo

Levi rode the bus all the way to


red Panda

So big, the kids couldn't see them for the huge rocks!

Love Mrs. Ferguson

Some of the "whole gang"

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

June Book Worm

Levi with his favorite book

June Book worm, each circle represents one book we read

30 books in 30 days!

That was a nice stack of books

Last day of Kindergarten and 3rd Grade

Landon, Ms. Billie, and Levi

Levi and his class singing "A beautiful day has just begun"

Elijah and Mr. Heck

Landon, Levi and Mrs. Ferguson

Papaw and Nana got to be here all the way from North Carolina

Field day rewards