Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Love these Boys

Nags Head

 Levi was nervous about the ocean. He clung tight to momma and daddy and hid his eyes and slept each time we went down until two days before our week was up.  What a blessing it was to hold this sweet boy and watch him sleep while looking out at the ocean.
Then one evening I decided I would lay him on the mat to sleep while I played with Elijah and Savannah. He curled up and pretended he was going to sleep at first and then he placed his hand in the sand and began playing in it. Before long he was running and chasing Elijah and building sand castles with Savannah.

Here we had just parked by the road and walked to the beach to take a look around and he hugged daddy tight and was already starting to fall asleep. This is one of my favorite pictures from our trip. Our entire vacation was a little crazy so we didn't even try to take any family pictures. What is it about a man holding a baby that makes him so much more attractive? :)

Elijah was perfectly happy playing in the sand once it dried  a little and he realized it wasn't going to sink him all the way up. (and make me go up to God, he would say while pointing to the sky) I do believe he had a blast playing in the water as he and Savannah jumped the waves as they washed up the beach.

So thankful that through all the craziness of the trip God watched over us and protected us.

What a difference a year makes

Outer Banks 2011

Outer Banks 2012


Dale and I are not spontaneous. We never have been. I had planned a vacation to do some spring cleaning and when Dale found out he could take off the same week my plans were converted to a beach trip. We loved the Outer Banks last year and it seemed to be a little cheaper than a trip to Florida so we booked a house only 4 days before we left. The house we wanted (best beach access) was a Saturday-Saturday house, and we chose it anyway even though we were not leaving until Sunday. Saturday evening after playing outside I discovered Levi had a fever. I gave him some Motrin and put him to bed. He cried hard for a few minutes and finally was quite. We were planning to get up at 3 am to start the long trip. When the alarm went off I went straight to check on Levi's temp, and found he had vomited. After some discussion we decided to take fever meds with us and begin our trip. Hoping it was just a virus and passed quickly.
Levi done fine. We made pretty good timing. Just as Dale's father had warned, Tropical Storm Alberto was making it's way near OBX when we arrived. It looked like it would never stop raining. Levi's temp was going back up when we got to the house, nothing some meds couldn't bring down. We settled in and went to bed.
The next day we woke to sunshine. It was beautiful. We walked over to the beach and with all the recent rain the sand was 'squishy' Elijah thought he would sink up in it. Levi wandered the opposite direction and we headed back inside. I kept him medicated, and his temp stayed down.
Tuesday we traveled. I tried to pack sufficiently and forgot I had taken the Motrin out of the car so when we left we had no fever meds with us this time. I thought it would be no big deal since we were only going up and down the coastline. I had no idea how long the coast line really was. We visited lighthouses and took a trip on the Ferry. Since we had never even been on a boat (most of us) I thought having sea sick meds would be a good thing. We stopped at a small market and I payed a ridiculous amount for a few pills. I didn't think about fever meds here since the last I checked Levi's temp was normal.
Elijah got scared before we got on the Ferry and started saying he was car sick, even heaved over a bucket. I quickly read on the Dramamine 1-2 tablets and handed him one. He reluctantly chewed and gagged a little more so I thought it best to give him the second tablet. Then I took two and offered Jessica some. Later she told me that she thought I'd said it was chewable (I mentioned getting chewable in case the kids needed it) and she dissolved it on her tongue. We decided Savannah probably wouldn't need it and thankfully when she started asking for it in the middle of the Ferry ride I thought she was just wanting it and not needing it so I only gave her one. It hit her the quickest. Before we got off the Ferry she got in the car with her Mom and they were off to sleep. I had thought that once we got to the Island we'd find a place to eat and visit some places. That didn't happen, we just wanted a place to sleep. On Ocracoke Island we had no cell phone service and I noticed that we had got separated from Jessica and Savannah. I was freaking out but thanks to my medications they never knew. We were looking for the Lighthouse so we waited there until Kevin found us. It was around this time when Dale mentioned that I had 'put everyone to sleep.' Elijah was also snoozing now. I grabbed the box to read about it and sure enough "may caused MARKED drowsiness. At this time I discovered that I had accidentally overdosed Elijah giving him an adult dose. My scrawny 5 year old. I jumped in the back seat and began to count his pulse and respirations. When Dale would look up at us I would pet and rub his face. I was freaking out. I couldn't share this bit of information with Dale he would freak out more and possibly kill me. I continued to check on him until we lined back up to take the Ferry back home. By this time I knew it would be a 3 hour trip back to our beach house. When Dale went to the rest room I started shaking Elijah asking him his name and he was easy to wake. This relaxed me a little and I decided that he was gonna be fine. I got back in the front seat before we got on the Ferry trip back and started to doze myself.
I looked back to check on Elijah. He was still breathing. Then I noticed Levi was sleeping more than he should, I hadn't gave him any Dramamine. But he also hadn't had any fever meds in over 8 hours. He was red, and you could see his heart beat in his neck. I grabbed the thermometer and placed it under his arm. It shot up to 102.4 almost immediately and I took it out before it was finished afraid of how high it might reach. While worrying about overdosing my oldest son I'd forgotten about the little ones fever. How did I let this happen? We are in the middle of this 45 minute Ferry ride and I fear my child will start seizing with his temp so high. Of course after keeping my first fear of killing Elijah with overdose of Dramamine to myself I am unable to contain myself and I blow up at Dale yelling that Levi is going to have a seizure on the Ferry. What a trip that was. Thankfully we made it back to land and Dale sped off to the first market we saw and came to my rescue with Motrin. At this point my mind is racing and I can't think straight. I read the label to see how much to give. 1 tsp. is that 5ml or 15. I can't remember. Nobody knows. Finally Dale finds on the box and I measure 5ml for Levi. He takes it like a trooper and we rush home. What a LONG ride. Dale is now mad at me for leaving the house without Levi's meds, and not thinking to buy any when I got the Dramamine.
For whatever reason that was the last of Levi's fever. We finished our week at the beach with lots of Sand and Sun. Pictures to follow.